Treatments offered at Omagh & Strabane Osteopathy
Vibration percussive therapy
Tension is the root cause of many body aches and pains. The breakthrough treatment of Percussive Therapy relieves the tension in soft tissue effectively and efficiently. Percussive massage overrides pain signals to the brain, increases heat in the tissue, and releases tension. It does this through a combination of amplitude & frequency of up to 53 percussions per second. Sports massage traditionally use a series of light strokes to give this effect. They can work faster, harder and – unlike sports massage or manual myofascial release tools, like foam rollers – they can hyper-target a specific area.
Percussive therapy can assist with the following:
Accelerating recovery & muscle repair
Increases blood and lymphatic flow
Relieves muscle spasms and stiffness
Breaks up scar tissue
Improves lactic acid clearance
Activates the nervous system and muscles
Muscle fatigue, pain, tightness, soreness, and knots
Natural stress relief
Myofascial release.